Inclusive Hotel: Best Western Hotel Porto Antico

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Inclusive Hotel: an accessible and inclusive stay for our guests

Inclusive Hotel is the initiative that aims to guarantee an absolutely positive stay in hotels to people with Autism Spectrum Disorders, both children and adults together with their families and their caregivers.
The Inclusive Hotel project has been conceived by Best Western hoteliers and has been developed with the scientific support of L’abilità Onlus.

The Hotel Porto Antico has taken part in this project. Our staff has received training from the experts of L’abilità Onlus to better welcome guests. We have selected ideal rooms, analyzed common areas and prepared a Hotel Guide, that can be consulted in advance.

The Hotel Guide contains all useful information to prepare people with Autism Spectrum Disorders for their stay at the hotel. To download the file, click on the link below.

The Hotel Guide contains all the useful information to prepare guests with Autism Spectrum Disorders for their stay at the hotel.

And, to simplify and to make information instantly available in the rooms, you will find informative sheets with the hotel’s services and information on our city translated in Augmentative and Alternative Communication symbols.

To book your inclusive stay in Genova at the Hotel Porto Antico, please fill out the request form on this page.
